Single Click Shutdown for Windows OS

can do this by clicking your mouse only once.
 All you need to do is... right-click on an empty Desktop spot -> select New -> Shortcut -> type shutdown followed by a space, and then enter one or more of the parameters listed below -> click Next -> type a suggestive name for your new shortcut -> finally, click Finish.
 This is the Shutdown.exe (located in %systemroot%\System32, usually C:\Windows\System32) syntax:
 shutdown [-i|-l|-s|-r|-a] [-f] [-m file://computername/] [-t xx] [-c "Text"] [-d[u][p]:xx:yy]>
 Valid command line switches:
 -a = Abort system shutdown in progress ONLY IF the -t xx timeout option was already set to ANY value other than 0. ALL switches except -l and -m are ignored during abort.
 -c "Text" = Text comment (case insensitive) to be displayed in the Message area of the System Shutdown window. MUST be enclosed between quotes. Maximum allowed 127 ASCII characters.
 -d [u][p]:xx:yy = Reason code for shutdown:
 u = User code.
 p = Planned shutdown code.
 xx = Major reason code. Positive integer number less than 256.
 yy = Minor reason code. Positive integer number less than 65536.
 -f = Force running applications to close without warning.
 -i = Display the shutdown interface (GUI). MUST be the first option!
 -l = Log off the current user of the local computer (default action). Can NOT be used with the -m option unless the current user has Sysadmin rights, in which case the -m switch takes precedence.
 -m file://computername/ = Remote/network computer name (most always case sensitive) to log off/restart/shut down. Current user MUST have Sysadmin rights to be allowed to use this switch!
 -s = Shut down the local computer.
 -r = Shut down and restart (reboot) the local computer.
 -t xx = Set shutdown timer to timeout for xx seconds. IF NOT specified defaults to 20 seconds. Allowed values between 0 and 99 seconds. The -a switch is the ONLY one that CAN be used during the timeout period.

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